The Seven Foundations Of Inca Shamanism

Pre-Recorded Training 
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"Ray weaves these ancient healing arts in a masterful way! This is life changing" 

Alberto Villioldo  

The Seven Foundations of Inca Shamanism

In this training, you will learn shamanic tools from the lineage of the Q'ero Nation of the Andes in Peru. The Q'eros are direct descendants of the Inca Shamans and have preserved this knowledge for more than 1,000 years. Ray has apprenticed with two world-renowned elder shamans, Don Sebastian, and Don Francisco. Ray has received the highest initiation of Kuraq Q'awaq, which translates as visionary (seer), and the elders have asked him to share this knowledge with the world. 

The Seven Foundations Video Training 

This pre-recorded course offers a deep study into the ancient practices of the shamans with a scientific and historical understanding of how to apply these teachings in today's reality. It will provide you the foundation of the Inca cosmology and four shamanic tools that will empower you to offer a shamanic healing session with confidence and ease.

You will receive:

  • Amazing footage of the Sacred Valley, the Amazon Jungle, and the Q'ero Shamans 
  • Seven 1-hour long pre-recorded sessions + bonus session
  • Receive your first session upon registration and automatically receive each additional session every Wednesday after that
  • Each session includes an exercise and supporting handouts to practice the tools you have learned

The Curriculum 
Each session open us to a the world of the Shamans 

Ray & the Incan Lineage

In our first session you will have the opportunity to hear about Ray's adventures and meeting his teachers. You will learn about the Q'ero traditions and culture and meet don Manuel. Ray shares the way the Shamans see the world of energies and how to move energy. 

Chakana - The Inca Cross

The Chakana describes the whole Inca cosmology. The beginning of the cosmos, the powers that rule our reality, and the  of living on earth. You will learn about the trilogy of theLlower world, Middle world, and Upper world as well as the trilogy of the Serpent, Jaguar, and Condor. 

Opening Sacred Space

Opening Sacred Space is paramount to the shaman's way of leading ceremony, offerting shamanic healing and blessings. Through opening Sacred Space we shift into "second attention" the place where begin to take place. 


Cord Cutting 

Shamans tell us that we are all connect with invisible energy lines. When we are in a close relationship we develop communication cords that allow us to feel one another and align our destiny lines. When we seperate from a relationship we want to cut the cords so each person can return to following their own destiny line without being pushed or pulled any longer by the other. 

The Shaman's Rattle

The rattle just like the chakan holds the whole cosmology and become a portal of the macro cosmos and the microcosm. You will learn about the symbolism of each part of the rattle and how to use it to move subtle energy, open chakras and balance the energy body.

The Crystal Palace 

Crystals according scientists and shamans are great conductors of electricity and have the ability to affect electromagnetic fields. Here you will learn how to use  Quartz Crystal to shift three distinct types of energy in order to bring back equilibrium, balance and health. 


Power Animals

In this session you will learn how are animals there a symbolism and how we can bring them as archetypes and ways of being in your every day life. You will learn how to lead a power animal shamanic journey and how to facilitate the integration for all your students. 

Healing Session

In this session you can review all the tools you have learnt and get a clear understanding of how to lead a healing session. Ray offers examples and offers tips on how to feel centered during a session and ways to hep your client find their balance once again.  

Become a Healer
Click on the Image

You now have the foundations to dive deeper into your studies and become a shaman healer practitioner. Click on the image and find out about the Jaguar Path Shamanic Healer Certification program! 

  • Jaguar Path

    “I am blown away by how much this course has changed my view of life and my whole reality. Thank you!”

  • Jaguar Path

    “This has been a truly life changing experience. Thank you from my heart”

  • Jaguar Path

    The vision so dynamically presented
    unifies us with the universe, returning
    us to wholeness outwardly and inwardly.”

  • Jaguar Path

    “This is a transformational experience, it lead me to discover that there are no obstacles and that spiritual growth and healing does not have to be a long or arduous process.”